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Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Interdisciplinary Minor


Our world is shaped by institutions and organizations that have a profound impact on our lives. It is crucial that we understand how they work, appreciate their interactions, see their impact, and can assess their value.

The mission of the PPE minor is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of social, economic, political, and moral problems in relation to one another. In doing this, PPE follows in the tradition of great thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Thomas Malthus, John Stuart Mill, and David Ricardo. PPE students cross the borders of key academic disciplines, integrating the methods, tools, and insights from philosophy, politics, and economics.

How to Declare


Students should apply for the minor through the Minor/Certificate Inventory System and then reach out to their academic advisor for next steps.

Required Courses


Students will take two introductory courses in PPE and complete a PPE capstone, in addition to three credit hours each in Economics, Government, and Philosophy from an approved list of courses.

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Your major does not always determine your career path. Many graduates pursue careers outside their field, depending on their interests and experiences.


It’s not just your major that matters! Make yourself marketable by gaining a variety of experiences in college. Read a few inspiring stories by professionals whose experiences led to great careers.

Contact a Texas Career Engagement career counselor today to find out how you can turn your major into a career.