Minor in the College of Liberal Arts

Philosophy is a branch of the humanities with ancient roots. The word "philosophy" comes to us from Ancient Greek and means "love of wisdom."
Philosophy students today seek to answer many of the same essential questions as did Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle such as " What is there? What am I? How do I know? What should I do?" Philosophy is a branch of the humanities with ancient roots. The contemporary philosopher's approach to answering these questions is systematic, relying on reasoned argumentation. Among the major fields of study within philosophy are metaphysics (the study of reality and being), epistemology (the study of knowledge), logic (the study of principals and reasoning), and ethics (the study of values and morals).
The Department of Philosophy offers three minors. The Philosophy minor is the most broad and flexible minor. It is suitable for students from any college or major who wish to gain exposure to the discipline of philosophy and have the freedom of choice to take the courses they are most interested in.
How to Declare
ShowTo declare this minor, contact your assigned academic advisor in your school or college.
Required Courses
ShowFifteen semester of hours of coursework in philosophy including at least six hours of upper-division and at least nine hours in residence.
Visit the Department of Philosophy minors page for more information on required courses.