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Minor in the College of Liberal Arts

Minor Latin
Credit: Iso Brown FR

A minor in Latin opens up the treasures of an ancient civilization.

The Latin minor provides students a strong grounding in Latin language and literature, allowing you to read poets, orators, and thinkers who have influenced humanity for thousands of years. Students who are interested in medieval or Renaissance studies will also benefit from study of Latin

How to Declare


To declare this minor, contact your assigned academic advisor in your school or college.

Required Courses


Eighteen hours of Latin, as follows: LAT 506, 507, 511K, 322. Coursework applied toward the minor must include 9 hours in residence. Visit the Department of Classics webpage on minors  for more information on the required courses.


Your major does not always determine your career path. Many graduates pursue careers outside their field, depending on their interests and experiences.


It’s not just your major that matters! Make yourself marketable by gaining a variety of experiences in college. Read a few inspiring stories by professionals whose experiences led to great careers.

Contact a Texas Career Engagement career counselor today to find out how you can turn your major into a career.