Journalism and Media
Minor in the Moody College of Communication
The minor in Journalism and Media provides undergraduate students across the University the opportunity to study a range of courses that will help prepare them for the digital communication economy.
Students who successfully complete this minor will gain such skills as writing clearly and succinctly; telling stories in multiple formats, including audio, video and data visualizations; thinking critically about issues that affect both media and society; communicating through social media platforms; and understanding how journalism influences the way individuals and groups are perceived.
How to Declare
ShowOpen to all undergraduate majors except Journalism majors. Application requires completion of J 301F with a C- or better. Students should apply after their grades have posted for J 301F.
Students in Moody College may declare only one minor and must apply for their minor/certificate before they have completed 75% of their degree requirements.
Learn more about the application process for this Moody minor.