Minor in the McCombs School of Business
The Texas Business Minor offers UT undergraduates from any discipline the chance to set themselves apart from the crowd.
Students will learn finance, management, and other fundamentals at one of the most respected business schools in the nation.
How to Declare
ShowNote: This minor is only open to UT students enrolled in the 2016 - 2018 and later academic catalog.
Any non-business student with a university grade point average of at least 2.00 may take any of the business foundations courses, whether pursuing the business minor or not. Students who intend to complete the business minor should apply online for admission by March 1 for fall or summer, and by October 1 for spring.
For more information, attend an information session or attend walk-in advising hours.
Required Courses
ShowTo fulfill the Business Minor, students must complete 18 semester hours of coursework. At least half of the coursework must be completed in residence at the University. All coursework must be taken on the letter-grade basis, and completed in conjunction with the students’ major requirements. It is recommended, but not required, that students also complete a course in Economics. While not assumed in the business foundations courses, knowledge of economics can be helpful for understanding business concepts.
Visit the School of Business minors page for more information on course requirements.