Women's and Gender Studies
Major in the College of Liberal Arts

The Center for Women's & Gender Studies offers a unique interdisciplinary undergraduate program in Women's and Gender Studies that includes the Bachelor of Arts degree, a Women's and Gender Studies Minor, and a transcript-recognized certificate program in LGBTQ/Sexualities Studies.
The WGS degree is a valuable major, double major, or minor and functions as an important credential in applying to graduate or professional school and in today's job market and global economy. The program's large and diverse faculty is drawn from the university's 18 colleges and schools. Particular strengths of the faculty include African-American studies, cultural studies, diaspora studies, feminist theories, health and social welfare, international and post-colonial feminisms, media studies, performance studies, popular culture, LGBTQ/Sexualities Studies and public policy.
The Women's and Gender Studies major will provide students with a first-class liberal arts education, as well as the freedom of interdisciplinary study. Unlike most programs at UT Austin, women's and gender studies cross-lists our courses all over campus. The wide array of courses offered from the Colleges of Communication, Education, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, and Natural Sciences, and the Schools of Nursing, Public Affairs, and Social Work provides exposure to cutting edge scholarship from multiple perspectives and thus offers students an unusual opportunity for cross-disciplinary inquiry.
The Women's and Gender Studies Program is one of the university's newest programs. We see this as an opportunity to encourage students to make a difference in the community, both in and out of academia. Because of the small size of our department, our undergraduate students receive individual attention. They are also invited to join our graduate WGS students in all of our activities throughout the year, such as: workshops, conferences, special guest lectures, and faculty colloquiums.
Visit the Women's and Gender Studies website for the most up to date information.
Declaration Requirements
ShowProspective University of Texas at Austin students should visit UT Admissions to learn about the application process and how to declare a major.
How to Declare
ShowUndergraduates currently enrolled at UT who wish to declare a Women's and Gender Studies major must meet with the Women's and Gender Studies advisor and visit the College of Liberal Arts dean's office. For more information, visit the Liberal Arts student affairs page on how to declare a major.
Students in the WGS major will be able to add WGS courses that are restricted to majors only.
Required Courses
ShowFor information on required courses, visit the Women's and Gender Studies degree plan. View course descriptions of current WGS courses. Students may also visit the WGS newsletter.
ShowParticular strengths of the faculty include African-American studies, cultural studies, diaspora studies, feminist theories, health and social welfare, international and post-colonial feminisms, media studies, performance studies, popular culture, LGBTQ/Sexualities Studies and public policy.
ShowWGS students seek to make a difference in the community, both in and out of academia. They are involved and frequently attend workshops, conferences, form organizations, volunteer, and participate in extra-curricular activities.
The mission of the Center for Women's & Gender Studies is to create committed communities that address the challenges faced in the areas of gender, sexuality, diversity, and equity. We recognize that ending gender discrimination requires ending the related discriminations against disability, ethnicity, gender identity, race, sexuality, and socioeconomic class. We foster communities of scholars, teachers and advocates inside and outside The University of Texas at Austin through:
- Interdisciplinary research
- Undergraduate and graduate teaching
- Social advocacy
- Community partnerships
The WGS Program has students from a variety of backgrounds including pre-med, pre-law, and double majors from all different disciplines on campus.
A degree in Women and Gender Studies (WGS) opens many diverse possibilities for future employment. The WGS Program introduces students to relevant social issues, fosters critical thinking, develops strong verbal, writing and research skills, and encourages social advocacy.
Increasingly, corporations, colleges and universities, and personnel firms are hiring specialists in women and gender studies trained in understanding the complex demands of diverse communities. State and federal agencies need people who have special understanding of the problems that different women face in society, industry, and the professions. Educational institutions need specialists to develop and administer women's studies programs, multi-cultural community centers.