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Humanitarian Engineering

Certificate in the Cockrell School of Engineering

Certificate Humanitarian Engineering

Engineering for the Betterment of Communities

The engineering profession has long been proud of its world-changing contributions through infrastructure, water treatment, medical devices, computers and many other technological advancements that continually impact society.

The Cockrell School’s Certificate in Humanitarian Engineering takes engineering for society to the next level, providing undergraduate students with a rewarding, multidisciplinary program that allows them to focus their learning around communities that need their help the most—from low-income populations to people with special needs. Students who pursue the certificate commit themselves to building better, safer, stronger communities by developing innovative solutions that improve lives.

Declaration Requirements


This certificate program is open to all undergraduate students in the Cockrell School. In order for the Humanitarian Engineering certificate to be on the transcript, students must graduate under the 18-20 catalogue or later.

How to Declare


Cockrell students can submit an application through the Minor/Certificate System , which will be reviewed by the undergraduate academic advisor.

Required Courses


Read more about the course requirements for this minor.


Your major does not always determine your career path. Many graduates pursue careers outside their field, depending on their interests and experiences.


It’s not just your major that matters! Make yourself marketable by gaining a variety of experiences in college. Read a few inspiring stories by professionals whose experiences led to great careers.

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