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History and Philosophy of Science

Certificate in the College of Liberal Arts

The History and Philosophy of Science Certificate provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to gain a coherent, cross-disciplinary command of the methods and findings that the liberal arts contribute to our understanding of the sciences.

Students analyze the dynamic development, concepts, and roles in society of various sciences, as well as the personal, dramatic struggles of famous scientists. This certificate will especially help students who seek professions that involve any of the following: science education, science policy, graduate studies in history or philosophy, and ethics in science or medicine.

How to Declare


Students can begin taking courses for the certificate at any time. When a student is ready to declare, they should apply through the online minor/certificate application system; the certificate is automatically approved for any interested student. The program encourages students to please fill out the entry survey, to report that they are considering this certificate, and thus enable them to occasionally receive relevant information.

Required Courses


Students complete six courses, including two required courses in history and two required courses in philosophy.

Students will also complete two other courses chosen from pre-approved lists.


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