Food and Society
Certificate in the College of Natural Sciences

Through the Food and Society Certificate students will be able to appreciate the full range of food-related issues.
Topics relating to health and nutrition, genetics, culture, the environment, economics, and business as they pertain to food and society will allow students new perspectives to their primary academic majors and careers. Students who complete the certificate will be able to apply a more comprehensive understanding of the implications of their food-related actions and decisions.
How to Declare
ShowPlease visit the Food & Society Certificate website to fill out the appropriate forms if you are interested in pursuing or have completed the certificate requirements.
Required Courses
ShowThe certificate program consists of 18 hours of coursework, nine of which must be upper-division. Courses must be completed with a minimum grade of a C-, unless it is offered only on the pass/fail basis. Students must complete an Introductory Nutrition class in addition to 15 hours of coursework chosen from a minimum of two of the following themes below.
View a comprehensive list of required courses.
ShowThe Food and Society certificate may be of interest to students who wish to find better solutions to today's complex problems, understand the implications of their food-related actions and decisions, formulate effective public policy, become better informed and active citizens, and make healthier choices for themselves and their families.