Programming and Computation
Certificate in the College of Natural Sciences
Regardless of their field of study, college students live in the digital information age.
Programming and Computation Program offers a set of courses intended to help students understand the sophisticated technologies they use everyday and gain the computer skills that employers value. The goals of the program are to:
- Provide students with knowledge of computer science that employers find valuable.
- Support study in other disciplines requiring computational proficiency.
Elements courses are intellectually stimulating and personally rewarding, and they can supplement any undergraduate program.
How to Declare
ShowStudents must apply for the certificate in order to take upper division Programming and Computation courses.
Required Courses
ShowView the required courses for the Programming and Computation Certificate Program.
ShowParticipants in this certificate program come from a wide range of majors at UT. These students are interested in computer science and seek to acquire relevant technological skills they can pair with their academic and career pursuits.
ShowComputer Science is about problem solving. Thus, the qualities of a good computer scientist include:
- A passion for finding elegant solutions
- An ability to use mathematical analysis and logical rigor to evaluate such solutions
- Creativity in modeling complex problems through the use of abstractions
- Attention to details and hidden assumptions
- An ability to recognize variants of the same problem in different settings, and being able to retarget known efficient solutions to problems in new settings.
If you like to solve puzzles, then computer science is for you!