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Creative Writing

Certificate in the College of Liberal Arts

Certificate Creative Writing
Trent Lesikar

The Creative Writing Certificate is intended for any university student interested in advanced study of creative writing, both as reader and as writer.

The certificate program is a small one: approximately 60 students will be admitted each year.

How to Declare


Those who plan to pursue the certificate should begin the program by the fall of the junior year; applications are accepted each spring, beginning in March.

The primary criteria for admission are UT-Austin GPA and a student’s progress toward degree, with additional consideration given to writing ability. Generally, admitted students have earned a 3.0 or higher GPA.

The online application will remain open from March 1 through July. Students who apply prior to March 21 will be notified by April 1. All other students will be notified throughout the spring and summer, no later than August 1.

The application requires a short personal statement (approximately one paragraph) about your interest in the program, as well as a writing sample (any genre, maximum of three double-spaced pages).

Required Courses


Visit the Creative Writing curriculum to see all required courses for the Creative Writing Certificate.



Creative writers develop many prominent transferable skills (this is not a comprehensive list):

  • Writing and communicating
  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Research skills
  • Persuading
  • Listening and interpreting
  • Attention to detail

Building map location for Department of English

Department of English


Office Location
CAL 226


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