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Applied Statistical Modeling

Certificate in the College of Natural Sciences

Certificate  Applied  Statistical  Modeling
Trent Lesikar

The Certificate in Applied Statistical Modeling equips undergraduate students with the tools necessary to understand how to apply statistics to their primary field of study.

This certificate program is designed to complement diverse degree programs and to appeal to students across the University in engineering, science, economics, mathematics, and many other disciplines.

Certificate students will fulfill a two-course sequence on applied statistics, a take one course on the mathematical foundations of statistics, and complete three elective courses (nine hours) in statistics, machine learning, econometrics, etc. from the approved elective list. Only one introductory statistics course may count towards the certificate. No transfer credits, "credit by examination," or "CR" coursework may be used to fulfill course requirements.

Declaration Requirements


The Certificate in Applied Statistical Modeling (ASM) is available to all undergraduates.

How to Declare


Sign up for the certificate on our online platform.

Required Courses


The certificate consists of 18 hours. Students must receive a grade of at least C in each course applied toward the certificate and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 in the courses presented to fulfill the certificate.

View course requirements for the Applied Statistical Modeling certificate.

For frequently asked questions and other information, visit the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences'

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